Good Day LA
Jackson shares his medical journey and how he came to create The Donut That Roared!
Jackson kicked off the 2019 Walk For Wishes event in March, hosted by Make-A-Wish greater Los Angeles. He was interviewed on stage and did an amazing job! He is pictured here with his mom and brother.
KTLA was on hand for the Walk for Wishes event. Lynette Romero interviewed Jackson on live TV about his medical journey and the book.
Jackson Grant is helping others after figuring out how to help himself. Five years ago, the now 15-year-old South Pasadena resident was diagnosed with a benign but inoperable brain tumor. Since then, he’s had 31 MRIs.
For the second year in a row, the Emporia Public Library received the American Society of Radiologic Technologists National Library Partnership Grant for $1,000. This year they received copies of The Donut That Roared to share with readers. READ MORE
A children’s book by Joan Yordy Brasher, daughter of John and Norma Yordy of Pekin, will be featured in displays in 200 public library systems in 35 states during National Radiologic Technology Week, Nov. 3–9. Radiologic Technology Week is an annual celebration that marks the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on Nov. 8, 1895.
Mattel was one of many sponsors of Walk for Wishes.
Little bro Isaiah was busy taking part in the fun activities at the event.
Jackson spoke to KTLA about his Make-A-Wish trip to New Zealand and his upcoming children's book, The Donut That Roared!
Ronald McDonald House provided a red carpet experience for Jackson and Isaiah at the John Cena film, "Bumble Bee."
Jackson was a red carpet interviewer for the 2018 Make-A-Wish Gala in L.A. He interviewed celebrities like Nick Cannon, This is Us actor Kevin Bates, members of New Republic, Youtube stars the Merrill Twins and Bruno Mars.
Jackson was asked to throw out the first pitch at a Los Angeles area high school baseball game, and spoke about his medical journey to students and their parents.